
Showing posts from September, 2017

Test mardi!

During the weekend spend some time practicing for your test! Aussi tu peux pratiquer avec le Duolingo!!! The more the practice the better I have sent you a revision page in your email. Nommez Revision-La Structure d'une Phrase You should know what each word means, the difference between la et une.  You should be able to identify them in a sentences, and give examples of each. Bonne Chance Si tu as des questions demandez a madame lundi! Bonne fin de semaine.


Please bring your permission slip FOR TOMORROW!!! Support Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope bring in donations tomorrow for our run. Did  you know that he asked every Canadian to  give only $1 for research to cure cancer! If we all came together and did that we together would have 36 million dollars!!

Devoirs pour la classe du matin

DEVOIRS! LA CLASSE DU MATIN SEULEMENT! Terry Fox est un inspirateur. On a discuté ce matin les événements de Terry Fox et les choses incroyables qu'il a rêvé et a fait. Expliquez en 3 phrases comment est-ce que Terry Fox inspire toi. Pensez a tes buts, pensez a ta vie. Comment est-ce que tu peux changer ta vie pour le mieux? Écrivez au Padlet Voici un site pour regarder si tu es intéressé


Test le 3 octobre La Structure D'une Phrase (les noms, les adjectifs, les verbes, les articles, les pronoms) PRATIQUEZ!! Terry Fox- Thursday morning  the 28th . Homeroom: Please sign your form and return for tomorrow. If you would like to volunteer that would be great! Photo Day: Friday 29th Don't wear green!!

Devoirs_ Pour la salle de classe du matin

Devoirs: Quelque personnes sont déjà fini cela! Les devoirs sont due le vendredi parce que c'est le soir du pizza à l'école. Vas-y au Kidblog et continuez avec les 5 façons comment on peut apprendre le français.


Lauren a perdu ses écouteurs (headphones). S'il te plâit regarder dans vos sacs pour ses écouteurs. Merci! Parents I am looking forward to meeting you tomorrw night. Pizza from 5-6, pre-ordered before either online or handed in the form. All teachers will be in their room and inviting you to one of our two sessions to meet us and see our classroom. I will be speaking for a bit regarding homework, my expectations of the students and our year ahead. If  you have any questions and don't get a chance to ask tomorrow please let me know and we can set up an appointment. A DEMAIN!

Devoir pour après-midi

Joindre ma classe en KIDBLOG Écrire ton nom et un mot de passe. CHOISIR un mot de passe que tu vas souvenir. AM mme-boyer-homeroom 42s4m6r PM ufrcp7j


Mes amis, so we can be prepared to be active in gym here is the schedule. Sorry for the delay, there are usually a lot of switching around. AM (avec Mme. Côté) lundi: 10:30-11:15 mardi: 9:30-10:15 PM jeudi: 12:45-1:30 avec Mme Boyer vendredi: 2:15-3:00 avec Mme Côté

Inscrivez vous dans le calendrier!

Today's presentations went amazingly!!! It's great finding out more about it! These are the people that have signed up! Si tu n'as pas regardez dans votre courriel, (email) Noms AM Noms PM Date Lauren Ben M Le 18 septembre 1.Chloe   2.Caroline 1.Mélanie 2.Maliah Le 25 septembre 1.Natasha 2. Hayley 1.Noah 2. Russie 3.Haewon Le 2 octobre 1. Rudy 2.Lilah 3.Amelia 1.Miraya 2. Zoe 3.Gianni Le 10 octobre 1.Kate :) 2. Lianna 1.Jada 2. Georgia 3. Carson Le 16 octobre 1.Liam Short 2. 1. Nate 2.Sophia Le 23 octobre 1.Julia Huckla 2. Ella carrera 1.Simon.Sommerfeld 2.Natalia Le 30 octobre 1. Lucas Deal 1.haruki 2. Le 6 novembre 1. Prisha Tangri 1. 2. Le 13 novembre 1.Sophia 2. Le 20 novembre 1. 2. Le 27 novembre Ben 1. 2. Le 4 décembre 1.Sophia Le 11 décembre 1. Le 18 décembre


Mes Amis Duolingo est un site fantastique pour pratiquer votre français!  Assurez- vous que vous êtes dans ma classe!!! Make sure that you are being invited into my class. If you already have an account you can login, if you forget your password click on google and you will be AM PM


Every child will be signing up to do an oral presentation on Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is not do able) to talk about their weekend. They can show the class through any means, google slide, google doc, i movie, poster.. etc It is to be a minimum of 5 sentences, grade level sentences using connecting words, i.e. avec, parce que, donc, car, etc. Please add pictures and please practice at home! The explanation of the requirements are in their French folder in their google drive. As well with the calendar they are to sign up !   S'incrivez-vous  Please do this by MONDAY!!! Bonne fin de semaine Ben M et Lauren présentent ce lundi!!!


DEVOIRS- Écrit dans votre document et mets dans ton dossier (folder) de français Réflection: 1. Qu'est-ce qui a bien été dans ton groupe (activité de cartes) What worked well? 2. Comment est-ce que tu peux améliorer la prochaine fois? (How can you improve next time) 3. Quelles sont les difficultés avec cet activité (Difficulties with this activity)

Deuxième Semaine Déjà

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Back to work already! A few forms have gone home this evening with the students, please read them and send them back. One is for use of technology and how to use it properly. We do a lot of work on Technology so I am allowing students to bring in their own tablet or chromebook/ computer IF IT IS OK WITH YOU! There is no pressure at all to bring one in, only mentioning this to make you aware that I do allowed outside technology in the class.  That being said, if students do not use this appropriately they will not be allowed to use it. Also it is THEIR RESPONSABILITY to care for it. I would also just like to remind you that gum is not allowed to be chewed at school. I have had to ask many students several times to get rid of it. Please don't allow them to even bring it to school, stops the temptation  Another  reminder that we are doing a boomerang lunch so all garbage goes home, unless it can be recycled or go in the...