Deuxième Semaine Déjà
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Back to work already! A few forms have gone home this evening with the students, please read them and send them back. One is for use of technology and how to use it properly.
We do a lot of work on Technology so I am allowing students to bring in their own tablet or chromebook/ computer IF IT IS OK WITH YOU! There is no pressure at all to bring one in, only mentioning this to make you aware that I do allowed outside technology in the class.
That being said, if students do not use this appropriately they will not be allowed to use it. Also it is THEIR RESPONSABILITY to care for it.
- I would also just like to remind you that gum is not allowed to be chewed at school. I have had to ask many students several times to get rid of it. Please don't allow them to even bring it to school, stops the temptation
- Another reminder that we are doing a boomerang lunch so all garbage goes home, unless it can be recycled or go in the compost (only fruits and vegetables allowed).
- We will be focusing on ORAL language for almost the month of September before diving into Science and Social Studies. It is important to get the students talking and conversing with each other.
Please don't ever hesitate to contact myself if you have any issues or concerns or if you just want to touch base.
I look forward to meeting you next week at the Pizza Night on Wednesday, September 20th.
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