Merci a Julia, elle a remarqué que je n'ai pas envoyé les devoirs.. mais je l'ai posté sur le BLOG de drame!!! OOPS!!!! DÉSOLÉ!!!!
French Tests and Progress Reports
Bonjour les parents! I hope you had a wonderful Hallowe'en and you get to sneak some candy from your children ;) Just wanted to let you know that the progress reports will be heading home today with your children. I have already explained to your children that we have been working on Collaboration and Organization. They have marked themselves on these skills. E's are very difficult to get in the first term as it means they have performing and demonstrating these skills EVERY DAY! It is also good for them to have room for improvement. For the French I have evaluated only their speaking and oral French. Either progressing very well, progressing well (which ranges from a B to a C) and progressing very difficulty. If you have any questions please don't hesitate and I am hoping to meet with most of you next Wednesday night ( for my homeroom), If you wish to meet with me outside that time please email me. Their French grammaire test will be coming home today as well. Pleas...
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