
Showing posts from November, 2017




si vous avez des crochets apportez-les!!!!! If you have any extra hooks or wool please bring them in for the day! We can return them that night!! Third block tomorrow all the grade 5s will be learning /teaching some new skills. If you can join come on by 12:45-200 Mme b

Madame sera absente demain

Je ne serai pas à l'école demain. Je suis à un atelier (workshop). Soyez respectueux au suppliant(e). Devoir due mardi, si vous n'avez pas fait. Merci aux personnes qui l'ont déjà compléter! À mardi!! Crocheter sera mercredi après midi! Je suis vraiment excitée!!!!


Pour votre devoirs, je veux que vous écrire tes sentiments à propos de notre social justice initiative. 5 phrases complète. Qu'est-ce que notre année vont faire? Pour qui? Pourquoi? Est-ce que tu es excité(e)/nerveux pourquoi? Écrivez ici   Passez une bonne fin de semaine mmeb


Our Grade 5 class will be paying it forward and giving back to our community through a lost art, that has become a trend yet againg..... Crocheting!!!!!! As we don't want to fundraise and ask for $$$$ from our school we have decided to advertise to the community that we are looking for yarn, wool, and crochet hooks!  We have lots of experts in the class that will be leaders and teaching our fellow classmates, and TEACHERS ha ha!!! The role is reversed! Our plan will begin by making smaller squares to use for dish cloths, or hot plates. If you or another family member you know that will be willing to volunteer and come show our students how to crochet we would love to have you!!! As our skills improve we will be advancing onto further more challenging items, clothes, blankets, hats, socks, and donating these to hospitals and shelters and other places in our community! As some of our students know how to knit, we encourage them to continue with that. I would love to learn bot...


Just a few reminders to bring in a double lunch tomorrow , if possible, for those at the Ottawa Mission who do not have the funds to purchase food, and are just beginning new jobs.  The grade 5s and the grade 2s are going to All Saints tomorrow to watch them preform The Grinch. Please make sure your permission form has been signed and retourned by tomorrow or your child will not be able to attend. 

lost fitbit

I explained with my afternoon class today that a black fitbit has disappeared in my class. A student found it and left it on a desk at the front of the class. It has disappeared since then and I have asked anyone to come forward if they have any more information. Even if it were to reappear on my desk anonymously I would be happy. If you know of anything please let me know. It upsets me that this has gone missing. À demain, Mme

Test dans le science!

L'unité pour le science est presque fini. Tous les expériences sont presque fini aussi! Merci à tous les élèves qui on fait du bon travail! Science test dans une semaine  le mardi 21 novembre -3 états -les propriétés des matières et des solides, liquides et gaz -la définition de la matière (le volume, la masse) - changement chimique, physique -les molécules (les particules, les atomes) que font-ils dans les différents états Tu peux apporter ton duotang à la maison pour réviser. 

Demain les expériences!!!!

AM Caroline Et Lauren Lava Lamps Kate et Cassicorn Papeir (origami) Isabella Mclean rouille de fer Chloe et Abby arc-en-ciel dans une verre Jacob.L Et Adrian Vinegre Et Le Glace Et Le Sodiume De Cuisine lucas et ben et joey mentos et diet coke et pepsi PM Maliah,Malea et Natalia Skittles Coke et Lait le 8 nov. 1:00 le 8 nov. 1:15 le 8 nov. 1:30 le 8 nov. 1:45 Grace&nadine Huile D`olive lèau sucre le 8 nov. 2:30 carson, nate et simon le 8 nov. 2:45 Critères de succès Science- Mon Expérience Critères Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4 Connaissances I have some understanding of my subject. I can sometimes describe concepts in my project. I can explain/ answer questions about some of these things to Mme. Boyer and the class in my own words. (molecules, chemical/physical change, reversibility) I have a good understanding of my subject. I can describe concepts in my project. I can explain/ answer questions about most of these things to M...

French Tests and Progress Reports

Bonjour les parents! I hope you had a wonderful Hallowe'en and you get to sneak some candy from your children ;) Just wanted to let you know that the progress reports will be heading home today with your children. I have already explained to your children that we have been working on Collaboration and Organization. They have marked themselves on these skills. E's are very difficult to get in the first term as it means they have performing and demonstrating these skills EVERY DAY! It is also good for them to have room for improvement. For the French I have evaluated only their speaking and oral French. Either progressing very well, progressing well (which ranges from a B to a C) and progressing very difficulty.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate and I am hoping to meet with most of you next Wednesday night ( for my homeroom), If you wish to meet with me outside that time please email me. Their French grammaire test will be coming home today as well. Pleas...