Demain les expériences!!!!
Critères de succès
Science- Mon Expérience
Niveau 2
Niveau 3
Niveau 4
I have some understanding of my subject. I can sometimes describe concepts in my project. I can explain/ answer questions about some of these things to Mme. Boyer and the class in my own words. (molecules, chemical/physical change, reversibility)
I have a good understanding of my subject. I can describe concepts in my project. I can explain/ answer questions about most of these things to Mme. Boyer and the class in my own words
(molecules, chemical/physical change, reversibility)
I have an excellent understanding of my subject. I can always describe concepts in my project. I can explain/ answer questions in detail, without referring to my research, to Mme. Boyer and the class.
(molecules, chemical/physical change, reversibility)
Habilités de la pensée
My thoughts are sometimes organized and clear. Some of my ideas make sense. I followed my instructions but was missing some important parts.
My thoughts are mostly organized and clear. My ideas make sense. I followed all of my instructions.
My thoughts are always organized and clear. My ideas always make sense and are very detailed and creative.
My words are French but a few are English. I sometimes used the right vocabulary and right spelling.
My words are French. My vocabulary is correct and I used the right spelling for most parts.
My words are all French and the vocabulary I used is correct, I even used words that I researched myself. I reviewed all my work for spelling so that everything is easy to read for my audience
I sometimes can connect my ideas to other ideas we discussed in class (states and properties of matter, changes in matter )
I connected my ideas to other things we discussed in class, (states and properties of matter, changes in matter )
I connected all of my ideas to other things we discussed in class, (states and properties of matter, changes in matter )
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